Know your way around WMC
A simple and easy step by step guide for patients to achieve the healthcare they deserve
You may be discharged once your Attending Physician had signified “May Go Home” (MGH) order in your medical chart. Please wait for your bedside nurse to inform you as to when you can go to our Business Office and process the discharge with our Philhealth, Billing and Cashier personnel. Philhealth may require you to submit some documents for the processing of your benefit. Billing will print, explain nature of charges (if you have questions) and request you to sign your final statement of account (SOA). The said SOA will show you the charges incurred and how much you need to pay prior to be discharged and the issuance of a clearance slip. Any amount you need to pay which is net of all payments made while admitted or excess of your HMO benefits should be paid directly to our Cashier, who is the ONLY AUTHORIZED PERSON to receive payments. Official or acknowledgement receipts are issued ONLY by our Cashier. Once settled, the Cashier will issue 3 copies of the gate pass, 1 copy each for the Nurse on duty, Security Guard and Information. Our Nursing Aide will assist you to the main hospital door beside our Emergency Room, where your relatives may pick you up.
You may consult with a Billing Officer for updates and concerns about your billing. Billing section is located at the Business Office, Ground Floor and may be reached at 553-8185 local 117. Business hours is from 8:00am to 5:00pm.