Tag: Nail Psoriasis

4 types of psoriasis: Do you know which one you have?


Psoriasis is a chronic and recurring skin condition with various symptoms depending on its type. If you’re suffering from the disease, check which of its four types you’ve contracted. 

Plaque type psoriasis. This is the most common type. It happens when the skin is covered with large, red, scaly plaques that are usually seen throughout the body, including the scalp and butt area. This type of psoriasis has no itching symptoms unless the patient applies something on their skin that they shouldn’t. 

Generalized type psoriasis. One has this type when their whole body is reddish and scaly, and shows symptoms like fever, chills, joint and muscle pains, as well as swelling of the hands and feet. 

Nail Psoriasis. This usually accompanies other types of psoriasis. Patients with this type have small holes in their nail or nail pits, yellowness under their nail or oil spots, or thickening under their nails that could lead to the destruction of the nail itself. 

Psoriatic arthritis. Typical symptoms of this type are swelling and stiffness of the joints in the hands and feet every morning. Patients also have pain and stiffness in the back and hips that are usually accompanied by red, itchy, painful, and watery eyes.

According to Dr. Cristina Ceballos-Lacuanan, a dermatologist at Westlake Medical Center, psoriasis is autoimmune and inflammatory in nature. 

“Our immune system doesn’t recognize our own skin when we have psoriasis,” Dr. Ceballos-Lacuanan says. 

“Normally our skin sheds within 28 to 30 days, but with psoriasis, it happens faster and it doesn’t really shed. The skin will accumulate and become dry scales. The immune system will not recognize this resulting in inflammation and redness.” 

Dr. Ceballos-Lacuanan adds that psoriasis can affect anyone — young, old, male, and female. And although not contagious, the disease can be acquired by genetic inheritance. 

“Psoriasis is a genetically inherited disorder that has various triggers, which include stress, prolonged sun exposure, immunodeficiency, and uncontrolled medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems,” she points out. 

If you’re manifesting symptoms of psoriasis or want to know more about the disease, you can visit Westlake Medical Center. To get expert medical advice regularly, follow Westlake Medical Center at https://www.facebook.com/WestlakeMedCenterPH/ and 
