Psoriasis: No cure yet, but can be controlled



















Chronic and autoimmune in nature, psoriasis is a skin condition that has no known cure but can be controlled in several ways. 

“Treating psoriasis is based on the doctor’s assessment, taking into account the patient’s age, health, and extent of skin involvement,” Dr. Cristina Ceballos-Lacuanan, a dermatologist at Westlake Medical Center, says. 

A simple psoriasis that involves a few skin patches can be managed using creams, ointments, or lotions. If topical preparations don’t work and the involved skin is extensive, oral medications may be considered. However, because oral psoriasis meds come with side effects, patients who take them usually need to undergo laboratory exams for monitoring. 

Patients who can’t tolerate oral medications may undergo phototherapy wherein they will be placed in a cabinet and be exposed to ultraviolet A and B radiations to arrest skin inflammation. There are new psoriasis drugs such as biologicals but they’re not widely available yet and cost more. 

Dr. Ceballos-Lacuanan warns that treating psoriasis is not quick; it could take weeks or months, depending on the type of medication being used.

“When managing psoriasis, like other chronic diseases, being aware of its triggers is necessary,” she says. “Avoid stress, smoking, drinking, and if you have a medical condition, make sure you take your maintenance meds as prescribed and follow up with your doctor.” 

Dr. Ceballos-Lacuanan adds that although psoriasis is not cancerous, it bears similarities with certain types of skin cancer. The only way to distinguish psoriasis from these types of cancer is through skin biopsy wherein the patient has to consult a board-certified dermatologist. 

If you’re manifesting symptoms of psoriasis or want to know more about the disease, you can visit Westlake Medical Center. To get expert medical advice regularly, follow Westlake Medical Center at and